alligator 1.0.0


This marks the official 1.0.0 release of alligator.

Major changes include:

  • Added scheduled & delayed task support
  • An official SQLite backend
  • Removed Beanstalk support
  • Upgraded to boto3
  • General modernization

This also marks the beginning of API stability for the 1.X.X series of releases. While new features & bugfixes will continue to be added, no public method signatures will be changed in backward-incompatible ways.

This means you should be able to upgrade between versions within the 1.X.X series without having to worry about alligator’s API changing & breaking code that depends on it.

Lastly, there are no changes from the 1.0.0-beta-2 build.

What follows are the combined release notes for the prior 1.0.0-beta-X & 1.0.0-alpha-X releases.

Enjoy & happy queuing!


  • Added official SQLite support. (SHA: 7ff4236)

  • Added delayed/scheduled task support. (SHA: da33d1a, a9f2d58, & 9266d20)

  • Added poetry support. (SHA: 2643b40)

  • Removed Beanstalk support. (SHA: 368db30)

    Note: This is due to the lack of Python 3 support in the beanstalkc library. If this changes in the future, we’ll re-evaluate adding it back in.

  • Updated the SQS backend to boto3. (SHA: ee80d69 & c6fd671)


  • Revised how logging is setup by the Worker. (SHA: d52a877)
  • Bugfixes for failed tasks & consistent pop behavior. (SHA: 9d91309)
  • Fixed several bugs around delayed/scheduled tasks. (SHA: 2e51867)
  • Fixed the SQS backend to delete messages & trimming delays to an int. (SHA: cd6c4e2)
  • Fixed the executable permission on latergator. (SHA: 2d176a4)
  • Formatted all the code with black. (SHA: 3cff2cc)
  • Changed Task.async to Task.is_async, due to async being a reserved word in modern Python 3. (SHA: bf98511)
  • Updated all dependencies to more current versions. (SHA: 1d368e3)
  • Fixed the Redis backend’s tests. (SHA: e793aa9)
  • Fixed the worker process to correctly exit during testing. (SHA: 9b7b486)


  • Added more to the Migration Guide. (SHA: 6e48da4)
  • Fixed the Redis & SQS backend docstrings. (SHA: 4fe15e7)
  • Added 1.0.0-alpha-1 release notes. (SHA: e83c391)
  • Added the start of the “Migration to 1.0” guide. (SHA: cbab984)
  • Switched the docstring style. (SHA: e5a6a40)
  • Added delayed/scheduled tasks documentation. (SHA: 87c0165)
  • Various documentation fixes. (SHA: 2459956)